Running+ | Apptreme Studio


Get the motivations you need to keep you going and train like you mean it

Train like you mean it! Now you can finally use Nike+ Running on Windows Phone!

Map your runs, track your progress and get the motivation you need to keep going.

The Running+ app tracks distance, pace, time and calories burned with GPS, giving you audio feedback as you run. Automatically upload to to see your runs, including your route, elevation and NikeFuel.

You will be able to retrieve data from Nike+ such as run details, summary etc as well.
Track you runs and sync them to your Nike+ account with this app!

Some of the features includes:

  • Track your current run with important statistic as you run
  • Map your run using your phone’s GPS
  • Sync your runs with your Nike+ account
  • View runs on lock screen while running (via Phone Setting for the Lock Screen)
  • Run in background (So that your run will not be interrupted)
  • Run with music from your playlist of your favourite artist
  • Live tile updates of the progress of the current or previous run
  • Voice feedback at defined intervals on your pace, time and distance
  • Support for Metric and English units for display purpose
  • View all your runs (not a subset of the current runs as per Nike+ site)


Please note that this is a 3rd party Nike+ Running app.

Nike+, Nike+ Running, NikeFuel and Nike are trademarks of NIKE, Inc. Apptreme Studio is neither affiliated with nor licensed by NIKE, Inc.