Wallpaper Liberator (ver 3.6) updates | Apptreme Studio

Wallpaper Liberator (ver 3.6) updates

Wallpaper Liberator is another best selling app of Apptreme Studio, and we constantly update the app to improve and give the best user experience that our users deserves. We are please to informed that Wallpaper Liberator has just been updated to version 3.6 and it is available in the Apple App Store for download.

So what’s are some of the new features that we have incorporated in this update?

  • Brand new user interface design.
  • Quick start tutorial to guide you to create the icons.
  • Bug Fixes.

We have also uploaded instruction videos on our YouTube channel on how to disable the Parallax Effect on iOS 7. Do visit the channel if you need more help.

We hope that you will enjoy this update as much as we do and we will continue to improve this app. Please do let us know if you have any comments or feedbacks regarding Wallpaper Liberator.